The HomeScreen

When you first open your BluePill you will find the so called 'home screen'

home screen areas

  1. Right below the navigation on the top you can see the current project name, and also edit it's details by clicking on the pen.

  2. On the left side you can ddd and configure panels

  3. On the right side you can add and configure devices

  4. You can access and edit all reactor projects by clicking Manage Projects or restart reactor's engine by clicking on the green Running button

  5. In the bottom (footer) you can (from left to right):

  • open the view settings. these are saved in your browser.
  • change reactors global text size
  • check the status of remote support mode (active when support text is yellow)
  • find a link to the tools page (toolbox icon)


This is where you can add all connections to other devices on the network, that you want to control with reactor. Simply click "Add Device" on the bottom to open the device browser. You will see a list of all devices Reactor discovers on the network. This is done using mDNS or other mechanisms. If your device does not support these you can also click "Add manually" in the top and add your device from the list.


Pressing shift while clicking "select" will not close the dialog and let you add multiple devices quicker


On this side you can add your panels. When you are working with a BluePill-Inside device you should automatically see your panel when creating a new project.

Clicking on the panels name allows you to adjust its IP Address, name, brightness and sleep settings


After a panel is added it will automatically choose one of the available standard configurations. In many cases these configurations are the generic SKAARHOJ default configurations, that will allow you to easily add devices from different manufacturers to your panel.


Below the selected configuration you can see it's configuration options. When the configuration has a Camera Selector you will also see, which devices are already mapped to the controller, or add new ones. To configure the settings of your panel in more details click the blue name of the setting (eg: Camera Selector, Switcher Inputs, QuickClass, ...) to open them in a table.


Selecting Configurations for your Panels

Once you have added panels and devices you need to select the preferred configuration for your panels. This is done using the dropdown selects. From here you can select one of the built-in default configurations or create a fully custom config by clicking "Create Custom Config" in the dropdown.

Using the small info icon you can check additional info of your config, edit it in the JSON Editor, or delete/reset it to system

See details of a configuration in the Info Window

When creating custom configs or modifying system configurations you will see a small 'customized' indicator next to the configuration. Modifications are local to the current project.



To manage all available configs click "Manage Projects" and select "Manage Used Configs" in the top

Panel Groups

Panels can be grouped to set a shared brightness and sleep time and to provide additional organization.

This feature is disabled by default. Open the View Options (cog wheel in the footer) and activate them.

Panel Groups are shown after enabeling them in View Options

Groups can be renamed and their settings adjusted. Panels can be moved between groups. Also sleep settings and brightness can be managed for multiple panels at once.